楼主 |
发表于 2010-2-18 15:44:02
本帖最后由 leomet 于 2010-7-26 23:25 编辑
Intergranular carbide
A ticket to hell for hardened irons and steels.
鑄鉄與一些中高碳(合金)鋼, 由於凝固偏析, 鑄態下 最後凝固的位置 因為溶質(solute)原子濃度特高 常會有碳化物薄膜出現,
此物有時遺留到鍛後 使鋼材(例如H13)延伸率(韌性)大幅度劣化.
Elongation/toughness of cast irons, or alloyed steels with medium to high C%, will be greatly reduced if such carbides
are present in their microstructures. Remains of it after hardening are very minute. Most of the time, it is difficult to see them
clearly under LM, but their bad effects exist. Quench cracking is prone to happen if this carbide films exist in the microstructure.
------And more often than not, heat treaters become the scapegoats. |
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