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Heat Treatment 今日: 0|主题: 418|排名: 18 

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预览 [Discussion] Major difference for AMS 2750 E & F agree LucySun 2020-8-7 630617 混在西北 2021-11-2 13:30
预览 [Discussion] AMS 2750F About calibration accuracy of sensor 不似天才 2021-3-8 323867 随缘吧 2021-6-21 11:19
预览 [Discussion] AMS 2750F about replacement of the type S control sensor 不似天才 2021-3-8 223281 LucySun 2021-4-14 15:46
预览 [Help] AMS 2750F-Qualified operating temperature range LucySun 2020-7-16 528400 LucySun 2021-4-1 13:26
预览 [Help] Help to translate LucySun 2018-12-27 228690 LucySun 2020-7-16 15:58
预览 [Help] 黑皮的管理和控制 xuqingyang 2020-5-11 425773 shengxia 2020-6-5 14:12
预览 [Help] Looking for the article:behaviour in TME of medium-carbon alloy steels attachment agree shihuan211152 2019-6-19 724312 shihuan211152 2019-8-19 09:20
预览 [Translation] (C263) GH163 Spec Translate 混在西北 2019-7-16 120022 chenze2008 2019-7-22 11:50
预览 [Help] What kind of preparation need to do for Nadcap Audit ? LucySun 2018-12-28 321253 z051443019 2019-7-18 13:36
预览 [Discussion] Why natural gas could be so strong to erode the stainless steel impeller 新人帖 attach_img agree wx040407 2019-2-15 521579 magicmotor 2019-2-22 15:48
预览 [Discussion] SAT 新人帖 agree LucySun 2018-1-30 820748 liumin257 2018-12-12 08:38
预览 [Discussion] Initial TUS agree LucySun 2018-3-16 317002 hackyue 2018-10-17 14:44
预览 [Help] harden and temper per ps1000 eyong0512 2007-4-24 1226936 LSL555 2018-8-22 07:30
预览 [Share] processing of engineering alloys英国诺丁汉大学课件 attachment agree txdd 2011-5-13 1424219 tiansky1111 2018-7-23 12:19
预览 [Share] processing of engineering alloys英国诺丁汉大学课件续 attachment agree txdd 2011-5-13 1122651 tiansky1111 2018-7-23 12:17
预览 [Discussion] the differnce between "quenching "and "harden" agree shihuan211152 2017-12-22 716073 magicmotor 2018-2-27 08:31
预览 [Help] what is the Tevo Test 察哈尔汗 2009-7-29 1118846 shihuan211152 2017-12-22 16:21
预览 [Translation] Neutral Hardening  ...2 zmshit2004 2008-9-5 2537827 zibu 2017-9-27 22:26
预览 [Share] phase transformations in metals and alloys attachment bill_bush 2010-2-23 919335 willlee100 2017-8-20 14:34
预览 [Translation] stahlwerk ergste argeste 4105/M 0211023 2009-5-8 217159 tong 2017-7-27 23:09
预览 [Help] hardness surface+protocol from testing(+H) agree 我心飞翔eric 2017-6-19 615628 xyz123zhao 2017-7-26 16:25
预览 [Help] "Stahlschlussel" agree watereast 2016-4-12 313127 yaazes 2016-8-9 20:13
预览 [Help] what is the meaing of "hard temper"? hooloo 2011-10-18 1418620 maike 2016-7-26 22:33
预览 [Translation] energy absorption properties agree 1901zk 2007-10-30 1215210 tcy 2016-7-3 08:40
预览 [Help] 求助最后一句翻译 agree zzjjmm 2016-4-1 713893 oliver 2016-5-3 09:27
预览 [Help] conditioning means which heat treatdment? tcy 2016-1-7 412722 willlee100 2016-5-2 16:18
预览 [Share] the science behind materials preparation attachment watereast 2010-3-16 613880 willlee100 2016-5-2 16:08
预览 [Help] who has this book? attach_img cici 2016-3-17 411867 zhouzhongnian 2016-4-15 09:15
预览 [Share] Heat treatment and properties of iron and steel attach_img agree  ...2 chenze2008 2014-8-22 2418493 间奏曲 2016-4-5 12:52
预览 [Help] “注意事项”如何翻译呢?  ...23 我心飞翔eric 2012-12-10 5329810 yyw972 2016-2-16 08:32
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