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Heat Treatment 今日: 0|主题: 418|排名: 18 

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预览 [Share] Brazing Dictionary-1 liuhuaihe 2010-8-26 37004 liuhuaihe 2010-8-30 07:42
预览 [Help] FOR HELP wijejing 2010-8-27 05453 wijejing 2010-8-27 23:57
预览 [Translation] ask for help,thanks microsoft 2010-7-30 106881 microsoft 2010-8-17 15:21
预览 [Translation] Examination of C-P uniformity : frank25 2010-4-23 56096 wingman1985 2010-8-5 07:46
预览 [Translation] Austempering / Martempering attach_img suimail 2010-5-13 66915 wingman1985 2010-8-5 07:43
预览 [Translation] The formation of martensite involves the coordinated movement of atoms 抚顺小伙 2010-6-1 77224 zty20051423 2010-8-2 22:56
预览 [Help] temprare rinvenire 有容乃大 2010-7-7 66904 wingman1985 2010-8-2 22:22
预览 [Discussion] WT(370)– Water quenched, tempered at 370°C for 1 hour. wingman1985 2010-8-2 26138 wingman1985 2010-8-2 19:54
预览 [Help] Please give me some help,thank you~ gwl-100 2010-7-15 65901 njxwl 2010-7-20 09:37
预览 [Translation] 这是我自己翻译的英文原著,大家看看,提提意见 attachment liangwenwu 2010-7-9 05733 liangwenwu 2010-7-9 10:58
预览 [Translation] alpha case attachment fengzhongke 2010-6-10 35973 fengzhongke 2010-6-30 21:33
预览 [Translation] case hardening depth frank25 2010-4-22 119427 上尉连长 2010-6-20 18:55
预览 [Translation] black body furnace annually microsoft 2010-5-25 25516 wty728 2010-5-28 16:56
预览 [Help] the degree of roughness of parts is very bad after shot blasting lfp325324 2010-5-10 15709 microsoft 2010-5-26 08:06
预览 [Notice] Furnaces North America 2010(FNA2010)China Delegation stove 2010-4-9 25227 microsoft 2010-5-26 07:48
预览 [Translation] straightening  ...2 dqy 2007-4-29 2413463 microsoft 2010-5-25 15:47
预览 [Help] pit corrosion on the teeth after carbonization and quenching lfp325324 2010-4-27 46102 lfp325324 2010-5-10 20:45
预览 [Help] About induction hardened surface layer grain size wqz198 2009-4-19 96838 Diego001 2010-5-8 15:13
预览 [Help] unscribed panel feitianyangzi86 2010-5-7 04772 feitianyangzi86 2010-5-7 09:16
预览 [Help] black crucible 新人类 2010-5-4 35144 czwjn 2010-5-5 15:38
预览 [Help] How to translate "转底炉" into english? 多用炉HT 2009-12-27 96245 红与黑 2010-4-27 15:53
预览 [Help] Need an English Dictionary 491616310 2010-1-2 86344 frank25 2010-4-22 10:22
预览 [Help] What's the meaning of 'TS' Shirley_Wang 2009-4-28 198573 junjingli123 2010-4-19 20:25
预览 [Help] what is meaning of "on assembly" in surface treatment 本愿寺 2010-4-4 35384 eastlavender 2010-4-8 08:15
预览 [Share] Basic Hardness Training attachment watereast 2010-3-17 15667 温庆远 2010-3-19 19:26
预览 [Share] Conversion table attachment watereast 2010-3-16 25495 watereast 2010-3-17 14:23
预览 [Discussion] Ammonia Function in the Carburizing Process stove 2010-3-14 14626 aaron01 2010-3-14 22:53
预览 [Solved] what mean:LF+VD xjalmh 2008-7-31 107835 catcmt 2010-2-19 16:46
预览 [Translation] Mechanical properties claus 2007-12-3 107121 ych 2010-2-19 11:13
预览 [Translation] Help to translate it 小乐 2010-1-31 35288 mvp 2010-2-1 15:14
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